
Today Im grumpy. And I'm trying hard not to be. After not being in my house since Friday night (that includes our weekend away) I'm ready for my own home and bed. My in-laws have been so gracious. They have housed us and our 2 dogs. And they have fed us. But there is nothing like your own home.

It does seem to be that I'm getting a summer cold, or its just allergies. Last night I was able to sleep on an air matress. I know this sounds weird but I find then so comfortable! J does not. :)

enough of the complaining.

Up date on the bee situation:
Termanex came out and sprayed. Told us that our case was very unusual. Bees usually aren't swarming houses... thank god.

So that is all. Have to go to class tonight boo! Wish I could skip :/

Ill make it :)


  1. I'm so sorry you're having to worry about these issues!! Seriously, that's just no fun at all. I hope you have a great day at class.


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