Friday's Letters!!


Dear Friday, YOUR HERE! 
Dear Weekend, you are going to be so much fun! 
Dear Jess, I can't believe your old enough to be inviting me to YOUR home for the weekend! Ugh I feel old :) 
Dear Josh, yeah.. sorry about the rant. 
Dear Abby, hope you have fun this weekend. Try to be sociable. I will be back. Promise.
  Dear Pixel, I'm not sure how you are going to do on a long car ride... we shall see. 
Dear HCF, I'm going to miss worshiping with you guys Sunday!! 
Dear Precious Baby, I can't wait to get my necklace. And share your name. Love you so much.

   Dear Josh, I love you. The end. :) 

Dear Jesus, Keep me aware. 

Have a great weekend everyone!! 


  1. Have fun at Jessica's this weekend! Enjoy, play, laugh, create new memories! I love you and Josh! I love Jessica and Aaron!


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