Memorial Day

First of all I want to say thank you to those who have served, serving, our have have their lives for my freedoms. I pray for those families and those who are wounded in any way- mind, body, spirit.

Today we have moved almost everything in our apartment! So thankful for all the help we have had. My family is the best!! God had blessed us being belief. In the midst of our grief we have been praising his name through it.

Looking forward to more moving, un packing,.cleaning. And dude took his dog &&& HIS STUFF!!!  :)

Painted the spare bed room and will be painting 2 other walls. Im so excited!

Have a great week everyone!


  1. So glad things are getting settled and his stuff + his dog is gone...though like you said, not sure its a good thing he has his dog. =/

    But yaaaay for moving in. :)
    Emily at Amazing Grapes

    1. He picked up the dog then brought it back. Then yesterday picked it up. I was really hoping he wouldn't. We were going to try and find him a home. But yes we are excited!


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