(not so much) Thoughtful Thursday!

Well honestly, my mind is tired! :) I'm thinking about trying something new here at Aunt LaLa...

Yesterday I mentioned that I wanted to learn to cook new things. I really want to! There a few things I've got the skills down pat, but I'm cooking the same things. I want to try some yummy stuff.

I'm not promising all healthy (even though we are trying to be better)...

So on Saturday I'm going to post a new recipe I'm trying... We will see how that goes :) It being a holiday weekend it might end up being a Monday post (heehee)

So stay tuned!

I'm also pumped! I just got my email for Secret Summer Sisters for my secret blog sister! Can't wait to put the package together! So fun! It's my first one (giggle)

Happy Blogging!


  1. You know what I cook most of the time. I think we get in a "recipe rut" I have more recipes in my food board on my pinterest than any of the other board. haha thinking I'll try something new for a change. Well, maybe anyway!

  2. Well fooey! I missed the deadline. I totally would have done the swap. Maybe next year!

    I'm definitely coming back to see what you made. I love trying new stuff.

    How are you feeling today??


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