What does your faith mean to you?

What a time it's been this last few months! Between school, work, and life it seems my life has been a whirlwind! 

So guess what?

We are going on vacation... actually when you read this I am already on my way. 

I thought about what to do this week, and I knew what was on my heart.

God has been showing me many things over these last few months... I'm learning and he is molding. 

My passion, my drive, my dreams are all founded in my faith. 

When it came to being employed I prayed and trusted that God would lead and guide me.
When it came to choosing our church, we prayed and trusted that God would guide. 

Everything is wrapped in my faith. 

Choosing my spouse. Eating right. Trips. Bills. Friends. My work at my job. Our Hope. Marriage.

My faith has given me strength. Given me Hope. Given me peace. Given me joy. 

In essence... 

My faith is my LIFE 

Join me this week as I have two great guest bloggers for Tuesday and Wednesday who will be sharing what their faith means to them.

Staying Hopeful,
Aunt LaLa


  1. Sounds like you have a great big case of "Godfidence"! You inspire me!
    Love you
    Have a wonderful vacation!
    I love you!


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