Five Question Friday

Linking up with Mama M.

1. Do you have a go to song that always puts you in a good mood?

It called the "Happy Song" on a Brownsville Revival CD... I can't listen to that and not smile, clap , and jump =) When I went to my first Youth conference they played this song, it still brings back SOOO many memories! 

2. Are you a real Christmas tree kinda person or do you go with a real fake one?

I would love to have a real one-however they are just too much for one BR apartment. And my allergies.  So we own a fake one that is smaller but full and is easy-peasy to put up! 

3. What are you thankful for?

My husband, he is so amazing. I'm thankful for my relationship with God. Jesus is my everything!!

4. Which fashion fad from the past do you wish you could wear today?

Well, I actually I love FLAIRS!! I have always loved them. They came back in style when I was about 12- I've been in love ever since! =)

5. Do you wait until the "low fuel" light comes on before you fill up the gas tank? 

Yes, EVERYTIME!! Its just so painful anymore to pay these high gas prices!! =)


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