Dun dun dun....

Yes its Monday. This has defintley been a Monday. One thing is I have planned on something and because of circumstance beyond my control these things did not pan out. It's frustrating when you depend on something, and some very important things depend on it. So since its almost the end of the day, I'm guessing it won't be solved until tomorrow.

Tonight is my last class until January. I have a presentation which I'm dreading. I'm not a fan of giving presentations. BOO! But it only has to be 1-3 minutes. Surely I can talk that long... I know I can. LOL

Thanksgiving was amazing!  We gave a surprise to my grandparents.
Oh I love my family!

There are still some fam I would love to see in GA, maybe the beginning of the year. Miss those guys! =)

Our Christmas tree is up! YAY! I have all my decorations out! LOVE IT!! There is just something about Christmas!

Well I must get ready. I might go ahead and leave for school. Get some stuff printed out. And maybe a 10 min nap =)


  1. Oh my gosh I just cried my eyes out!!! I'm so glad yall thought to do that! I hope mine got in in time. It was such a crazy week I cant remember if I sent it or not!

  2. You did Amberly! It was a beautiful letter! I'll have to take a pic of the pages one day to let everyone see =)


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