Five Question Friday

Linking up with Mama M.  

1. Do you swim in the winter?
Of course ... when I'm staying at a hotel. The hubby and I go on frequent trips to the Mts. and always make sure the hotel we stay at has a indoor pool =)

2. Do you love or hate winter?
LOVE IT! I do not like hot weather AT ALL... I get  way to shweaty lol 

3. Do you put makeup/actual clothes on when you know you're going to be home all day with just family? 
I get dressed but in my comfy clothes. No make up and hair is usually in a clip 

4. How old were you when you had your first alcoholic beverage?
Um, let see. 18 I think tasted some wine. Nothing major

5. How many ill calls in a 12 month period do you think are acceptable?

I think one at least a month. If you work 12mo out of the year you should have at least accrue a day for each month. Because sometimes you get sick and it kicks your boot-ay! I just think thats fair. And, I'm sorry if your out just one day why do I need a Dr. excuse for ONE day. If i'm just feeling bad, I don't want to call the Dr. get an appointment, then have to get out of the house, pay a copay, then go home. All just so he can tell me I need rest or its a virus. Some companies are real sticklers about this. OK enough said!

Happy Friday Everyone!!


  1. I am stopping by from 5 Question Friday. Love your blog. Come visit Marriage from Scratch!



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