Friday's letters with Pit and Peak

So it's Friday!!! YAY! I'm doing Friday's Letters and a new link up called Pit & Peak! I've missed blogging regulary and am excited about today's link ups... so here we go!

Linking up @ PIT & PEAK
So this weeks PIT was ....

Coming home to a mess made by our lovely boxer... She wasn't too happy about out schedule going back to normal. That was so frustrating! But alas the moment passed...

This weeks PEAK...

Wednesday night service. We haven't had our regular discipleship classes because of the holidays. I was so excited to see my favorite Jr. High kids! 

Ironically my PIT & PEAK were on the same night! HA! 

Dear J, Thank you for being the very best husband
Dear M, Thanks for my best bud
Dear R and D, In the name of Jesus... :) 
Dear 2013, I know this year is going to hold some great things
Dear SD, I'm praying for wisdom. I know God put me here for a reason. 
Dear week, I'm glad your over
Dear research psychology, I loathe your existence when you make me look at stats...
Dear Brain, please do not check out when the professors starts to talk about numbers
Dear Joosh, (<--- how J spelled his name as a kid) I just wanted to call you that. Oh and I love you
Dear God, thank you for never leaving me. For always being by myside. 

Thats all for today!! See ya Monday!


  1. Dear L,
    Enjoy your weekend with Joosh! Love you!

  2. Thanks so much for linking up with us Lauren!

    Sorry to hear about the mess. I have a 2 year old so I can relate. Haha!

    - Brin

  3. One of the worst things is working all day and coming home to a mess from a dog (or kid in some cases) But at the end of the day its soooo wonderful to have them there! Glad you got to see your Jr. High Kids! Thanks for joining us for the linkup!



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