I am 1 in 4

October is Pregnancy and Infant loss awareness month. 

1 in 4 woman suffer with this pain and grief everyday. 

When we lost Hope, I truly thought I would die. It was my worst nightmare. 

I have had some really bad day and some really good days. 

Yesterday was a bad day, but today is a little better. 

I have clung to my faith through this and want to extend a crying shoulder, a listening ear that needs it. 

Honestly some days it seems that God has forgotten me, I know he hasn't because his word tells me he will never leave me... but it is some days I get down but he always gives me strength to move through. 

I needed and need people to recognize our Hope, she was real and we love her. 

I know I will always carry Hope with me.

No matter where I hear the word Hope I think of her. 

I'm going to have a balloon release again this year. It will not be as formal as last year and I'm hoping to work on a actual walk and service for next year. 

October 15th is the nationally recognized day for our babies!

If you have never watched the video please watch it. 

Click this link http://www.october15th.com/transcription/ and click watch video. It needs to be viewed with Windows media player. 

Today I just wanted you to know I'm here, and I will not say I understand because all of our experiences are different but I can relate to the pain and grief. Do not be ashamed. Open up and start healing.

Aunt LaLa


  1. Awe, I love this, Lauren! I know what you mean about just wanting people to recognize Hope. She was here, and she was and will always be a part of you just like our Mattie will always be a part of us. I have felt pretty down too lately because it already seems like people have forgotten. I am trying to think of how I can celebrate her and remember all our babies on this special day. I pinned a bunch of stuff on pinterest including that picture you posted. I will definitely be lighting a candle in remembrance, but I do want to do more. Hugs, friend!

  2. I will always remember Hope too! I know you are leaning on strength of the Lord and I see your getting peace more and more every day! I love you and will pray for all the moms that lost a child on this day too. Hug and kiss, love you!


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