Hope's Balloon Release

Tomorrow is the day. Hope's 2nd annual balloon release.
The day we remember all the babies lost. Ones we have got to hold, carry, love, even the ones we didn't get to meet face to face. 
They are all equally important and missed. 

I wrote an article for Happy Wives Club titled Happy With My Family of Two

God knew excatly when this needed to be published what wife/women needed to read it. Infertility, loss, PCOS are HARD journey's to take. 

Last year I fought hard to enjoy life again, very hard. I had to make a choice and this article talks a little about that. I had to embrace our family of two. 

Just to clarify, J and I are completely open to adoption or what ever avenue God sees fit to give us a child. This article was not saying I'm just excepting no children... ever. I am saying I am not going to stay in that place of want-desperation-depression-anger-jealousy- and so on. What quality of life would that be? 

My heart aches everyday for my baby, but I've decided to do something active. To advocate for women who have lost their babies, who struggle with infertility, who have PCOS. 

Tomorrow will be an interesting day. It is my birthday, I will be 28. However most importantly I get to honor these babies and I can not wait. I am excited because I get the opportunity to express my love for Hope and honor her life as short as it was. 

If you have a name you would like me to write on a balloon and release it for you please comment here or email me at auntlala25 (at) gmail. I would be honored to do that for you. 

Please keep us in your prayers tomorrow. It will be an emotional day. And pray that the women who come start on their journey of healing. 

Aunt LaLa


  1. I love it! I wish I could be there with you. You are doing amazing things, Lauren, and I know the women whose lives you touch will be so thankful to you. How amazing that your birthday just so happens to be the day picked to honor our little ones. I think that is just part of your amazing story! :-)

  2. I love that you said "We aren't excepting never...". That's where I need to be. Not never, but not right now. Thank you for reminding me to enjoy my family of two :)

  3. Keeping you in my prayers!

    Xo Lourdes


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