
Surgery day is here.

I know things have been quiet around here.

To much to go into at this moment since I'm blogging from my phone.

My father in law is having triple bypass surgery and valve replacement right at this moment.

So prayers are appreciated.

When we have these difficult times in life it can be so overwhelming. And maybe things change in their importance to you.

Being a student and in the hardest class of your program it is so stressful, because honestly I could care less about writing a paper, staring at text books, studying for a test.

I just want to take care of and serve my family. I know God will give me strength, and my family strength.

Thank you for all the kind words and prayers.

Aunt LaLa


  1. I'll be thinking about you and Josh today. I hope everything goes well and your father in law makes a speedy recovery.

  2. I will be thinking and praying for you all! I know what you mean about not wanting to concentrate on school stuff because these other things and people are so much more important. I'll pray that you have the strength to do what you need to do and be there for your family! Love and prayers!

  3. you are in my thoughts and prayers! i am sure all will go well!

  4. I am thinking and praying for J's dad today! God is our strength! Love you!

  5. I am thinking of you and your family. Prayers sent your way!

    XO Lourdes


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