Big Blue Eyes...

As I looked into my niece and nephews big blue eyes Friday tears poured.

My heart is broken...

Honestly I've read and seen so many argument, opinions, views on the tragedy that has befallen these poor families.

We are never as sane individuals going to reason away or grasp why this happened.

You can say we need more guns
We need no guns
We need better treament for mentally ill

But at this moment I don't want to even THINK about contributing to any argument because no matter what side, issue, or argument we are standing by

It will not bring the 26 souls that are no longer with us back. 20 of those who died as innocent children. Who had to look death in the face. Or those 6 brave individuals who died by trying to protect the babies.

So as my heart breaks I'm praying hard for peace, solace, strength... healing. And hope.


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