So Tired of the Anger

When I sit down to write, it is impossible for me to write something that is of quality if it is NOT what is on my mind/heart. 

So, I really want to start writing again. It is therapeutic for me to get it out.

I think I have stopped myself from writing because what I want to say sometimes is not edifying and just frustrating. 

Our society, our culture, everywhere feels like it is so hostile. 

I have seen in the last couple years people leave friends behind, family get bitter with one another. 

Hate and anger fuel mean and hurtful words. 

What is even more frustrating is that its most over some sort of social media platform. 

What are we allowing the media and these platforms to do?

I get it. Your passionate. 

I read a "rant" from a person. And it hurt my heart. It was full of anger, and slamming others for what they felt in their hearts was the right thing. 

At the same time I've seen this same person lecture about tolerance and love. This person claims to be a Christian but talks about Christians with disdain. 

And it was heartbreaking. 

This is just one example of many

I've seen from both sides of the political arena be so absolutely cruel, unloving, intolerant, hypocritical, and judgmental. 

It has become WAY to easy for people to hit that send/post button without a second thought to the repercussions of our words. 

Our words have so much power whether they are read or heard. If you post or say them. 

They can harm.

My heart wants to see more Jesus. 

As a Christian that is what we are supposed to be striving for. 

Our relationship with Christ should be first and foremost before following the elephant or the donkey out to the soap boxes they perch on waiting to sling mud at the other. 

I will not engage in that behavior. 

Who I vote for means far less to me then who I lead to Jesus. 

Jesus did not care about politics. He cared about the people. 

The enemy rubs his hands together and snickers every time he gets in between friends, the church,  or family members. 

God help us! Please Lord, show me my heart where things need to change. 

Guess what? When you stand in front of God... you are alone. The person/party/cause are not present. 

Everything should line up with the word of God.

Our attitude and our choices. 

More than ever I want to be more diligent than in my actions and words. 

1 Corinthians 13 is referred to in movies, in church, TV shows, weddings... 

I am going to refer to it in my daily everyday activities. I will put my name in where Love is. 

I think this should be posted everywhere, so we can run our post, conversation, and actions against it. 

Does it measure up? 

I am going to continue to pray and living for God with all I have. 

I hope you will too. 

Time is short.


  1. Aww, your such a good writer. Love to read your blog. You tell it like you see it and God leads the heart. Keep posting, keep writing! Love you

  2. What an excellent message, people need to take this to heart. The would would be a better place if we could think before we post.

  3. I had never tried putting my name in place of love in this verse, but it really works! It is how we are all called to live as we strive to follow Jesus's example. Great post, friend!

    1. It helps put things in perspective for sure. Thanks friend!


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