Hannah, Sarah, and weekend Frenzy

Ever feel more tired after the weekend then before you left work on Friday?

This weekend was full of fun! However we was packed full.. except for my lovely Saturday morning :)

Friday Night...

My cousin from Indiana was here, and to celebrate my aunts birthday they took us all to dinner

This is my beautiful Mother K and I. They guy in 
the back is some STRANGER! This creeped me out!
And I thought it was rude. Apparently according to J this 
is called photo bombing? Well I call it rude. 

It was a great dinner! I love seeing relatives we haven't seen in forever!

My cousin Kal and I

So Saturday morning I was planning on sleeping in but my wonderful hubby thought it was Friday and I needed to get up for work ... NO sweet heart. It was Saturday. But now I'm awake. So after taking the doggies out I cleaned up. Then sat down with breakfast. Turned on a great movie... well I actually watched two :)
First was this one. I forgot how cute this movie was!
This one is so FUNNY! Love his sarcasm!

After Josh got home we had a "Teddy Bear Picnic" to go to. It was an event at my sis-n-laws mothers job. We went of course to watch E and O play! O was a part of the Bear parade as well :) They were absolute dolls. Except I guess it was time for weirdos this weekend. This one man kept just giving me weird vibes and being a little "handsy" with the kids. Tried tickle O's leg. After I abruptly brushed his hand away he stayed clear. 

I just realized all the cute pics we took are on J's ipod.. darn! Oh well they were cute!

Plus they fed everyone... mmmm. So thats 2 free meals I got this weekend... I like it! :) 

Yesterday it was church time! It was such an amazing service. Friday was a bit of an emotional day. Had a moment of self-pity, and "why not me?" time... but shoved past it. So Sunday's sermon was "What is your problem? How big is it?" . Pastor K went through several different bible examples of problems that they faced. Showing how big our God is. That he holds the universe in his hands! He read Isaiah 40:12-47

I recommend reading it. It puts things in perspective. Our problems are important to God - big or small -  He knows the number of hairs on our heads and holds the universe in the palm of his hands. He cares. 

Its no secret that Josh and I want child. Some days are harder then others for me. Friday for a short time was difficult. But my cousin said something very encouraging to me Friday (we were not even talking about children) if you are meant to get pregnant you will no matter what the Dr.s. I know God has seen my tears once again. Then when Pastor was going over this sermon, I was reminded of Hannah and Sarah. Both barren. Both did not see themselves having children. But God has other plans. No matter that Sarah was well into her 90s she birthed a child. Which allowed the covenant with Abraham to be fulfilled. Hannah was barren. She prayed for a child and God gave her Samuel. 

I say all that to say, if I become pregnant. I do. If I don't, well then I will enjoy my life with Josh. Until we can afford to adopt or maybe it will just be us. No matter what happens, God has me in HIS hand. And will take care of me. Will I still have bad days? Probably, but God loves me so much that he will be there to comfort and put healing balm on my heart. :) 
After a wonderful Sunday, we celebrated my nephew E! It was a beautiful day the Lord hath made! 
So here are a couple pics of yesterday!
Opening presents! 

She wanted to help!

Pixel sitting in the car seat during her ride yesterday! 

Happy Blogging!


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