5QF- With one of my questions!

I am so EXCITED about this!! Thanks to Katie (who is filling in for Mama M.) for picking my suggestion for one of the questions!!!  So here goes... 

1. What's the the last thing you bought for yourself?
Deodorant... (your welcome) Yes this was actually a wonderful thing. Because I'm such an oddball unique person I can't just use ANY deodorant. I have to use only one certain kind, other wise my underarms have a fit... (My pits have a fit... sorry couldn't help myself) So after using baby powder for a couple of days I received my deodorant. 

2. What is your favourite meal on a cold winter day? 

Probably a tuna sandwich, I know strange right? But tuna sandwiches remind me of when we would get snowed in as kids and mom was working on a tight budget. Tuna goes a long way. =) I still can't make it like her, it could be in my head though lol

3. Have you started looking at swimsuits for this year, and do you buy a new one every year?

Um, no. I will be buying a new since the one I have I've been wearing for 11 years, and one that I have wore many times over the last couple. Its just time. But I love it. I know the exact style that suits me so I go straight for that one. SO there is little to no pain =)

4. If you could be any candy what would you be and why?

twizzler because they are so bendy and tasty. Plus I love the ones you can peel, they are layered.. Like my self heehee...Deep right?

5. What are you most passionate about?

My relationship with Jesus. He is my everything. I love how he loves me depsite myself... =) 

My marriage. I LOVE being married. Its such a gift to have the love Josh and I have for each other. Our future family... the kiddos when we have some I want to be secure and loved. And have a passion for Christ as we do. 

And my education. Its taking me almost 10 years to get a 4yr degree but I haven't given up. =) I'm on the last stretch now 

BONUS QUESTION: What do you love to 'pin' on pinterest.com?

DIY crafts! I love them! However the probability of me doing one is unlikely but I have good intentions of each post =)

Thanks for joining me for 5QF!! 

Just curious, which question is mine do you think??

This is a blog hop!


  1. Uhhh, Cold winter day sandwhich?

  2. OK seriously... you are adorable.

    I am laughing at your pits having a fit!

    #4 was very deep. Well done ;-)

    Have a blessed day!



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